| 1. | The general structure of decision-making mentioned above can also be exhibited in world bank ’ s decision-making structure, for this part, please refer to : chapter four : the decision-making structure of world bank, mainly, the executive board and the presidency of world bank, their constitutional obligation, and potential influence in decision-making . chapter three : the rules of voting-special majority voting . this chapter 本文第四章讨论世界银行的决策机构,主要是世界银行的理事会,执行董事会,世界银行行长以及世界银行职员的决策作用,分析各决策机构的产生办法,它们根据《世界银行协定》享有的职权及在实践中这些机构对世界银行决策的影响力并揭示国际金融大国通过控制世界银行的决策机构左右世界银行决策,将发展中国家排除在决策机制以外的事实。 |